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The Island 原创作品 第三章(下)(10)

2023-05-30克苏鲁孤岛新人小说 来源:百合文库

The Island 原创作品 第三章(下)

“Look, there’s your ship” Kanuba pointed in a far distance, With a few man holding the torches, Arthur saw their ship with the big word printed in the back of the ship: “Enlightening” 
“Guys! This is our boat! Come quickly.” Arthur shouted while running to their boat. The yacht is indeed flipped over, the bottom of the ship was on the top, with the 3 student’s help and the several warriors, they flipped the ship over and gets in: Inside the cabin is nearly unscratched for the good quality of this yacht, and the most lucky thing is, their personal belonging are all in the cabin! It is indeed the most thankful thing they should pray to god, Arthur and Owen finds their cell phone, but it cannot switched on for soaking in the water for too long. “Hey guys, my phone is still working, I brought a waterproof shell!” Blair said with excitement, but there’s no signal in this island. Blair tries multiple time for calling her parents, the police in Indonesia, even 999 in England. “There’s no service in this area, and my phone’s battery is less than 60%.” Blair said angrily. “Save the battery.” Arthur said: “We can use it with other purpose, Owen, come to the engine room.” Owen run into the engine room and saw Arthur is trying to light up the engine again. But after a few sound of engine’s sound, it turned off automatically. Arthur went to the engine, trying to find a tool to open it, but there’s no tools he can find. “Perhaps we can get back to our camp first, after all you found your ship. It is not easy to fix this ship in such a dark night, I will noticed my technician of our tribe, the most smart people to assist you tomorrow. Don’t worry.” Kanuba patted Arthur’s shoulder. Arthur observed the environment: “There are sure quiet difficult to getting out of here tonight, and most of my friends are tired, perhaps we can stay a night in here.” Arthur turned to Kanuba: “Only if our visits isn’t troubled you.” “Oh no no no, my friend, we are honored to have you here as our guest. Come, let’s get back to our camp, Our supper is very delicious and I promise you will love it. Arthur and his friend starts to heading back to the forest.