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The Island 原创作品 第三章(下)(12)

2023-05-30克苏鲁孤岛新人小说 来源:百合文库
Arthur and his friend finds a seat near John and George after they put their backpack to John’s cabin and have a supper with Kanuba. “Mister, Kanuba, there’s a question I always want to ask you.” Owen took a stick of fish and speak to Kanuba: “Where did you learn your English, it is very rare to see a aborigines who can speak English so well.” Other 4 students stopped eating, it is clear that they are also curious about this question.

The Island 原创作品 第三章(下)

“It was the year 1947.” Kanuba said with a deep voice, “When the Dutch people attacks Indonesia, and during the war, some of the Indonesian aborigines escape through boat, including my grandfather Kaladu. They discovered this island unexpectedly on the sea. And finds out that this island have a wonderful condition for growing plants, catching fishes. So my grandpa decide to stay in this island and call ourselves Kalulu. Unfortunately, the few people that knows our escape plan were killed by the Dutch, and there’s always fog around this island, so now there’s no one knows anything about us and this island. During our lifetime on this island, there was a boat that catches storm and came here, they are the scientists from US, and during their stay of repairing their ship, they taught us how to speak English and the knowledge of how to build a simple generator and physics. When they’re leaving, we asked them to not tell our secret, because we do not wants people to discover us. Thank god they didn’t reveal our exist. That’s why we can speak English and use electricity.” Kanuba took out a photo from the cabin behind him: “This is the photo shot by those scientist before they leaves.” Arthur takes the photo for a look.