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Chapter 11 Knocking at The Door at Midnight(II)(15)

2023-05-29 来源:百合文库
 “No thieves think there’s something good under here, right?” The security guard said.
 “So close to your security room, the thief has such courage?” Asked Master. The security guard immediately speechless.
 “Let’s open it, go down to have a look.” Master’s eyes were full of excitement.
The cover was so heavy that I used my strength to open it. It was so dark, and the staircases downward obscured my view. I couldn’t see the situation in the cellar. Although I couldn’t see it, I felt something strange. The moment the cover opened, a hot air mixed with the stench of corruption came to my nose, and I kneaded my nose subconsciously. Master knew me very well and said, “stench smell?”

Chapter 11 Knocking at The Door at Midnight(II)

I nodded, “Very stink.”
Master and I went to the van and took rubber overshoes and gas marks. My mood was very nervous. I didn’t know what would happen in the darkness of the cellar. I had a feeling that I was going to explore. It was exciting and nervous.
In order to prevent the presence of toxic gases in the basement, we slowly walked down into the cellar wearing gas marks, rubber overshoes and dissecting clothes. The cellar was not spcious, which can stand for five or six people. When I illuminated a corner of the cellar with a high-light prospecting lamp, I found a dark shadow.