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Chapter 11 Knocking at The Door at Midnight(II)(11)

2023-05-29 来源:百合文库
Master and I carefully explored the scene until the lunch time, but there was still no new discovery. It seemed that the process of the murderer on the scene was very short. He killed victims with fierce heart and left the scene immediately. Master and I were very depressed.
Back at the hotel, we each held a laptop computer and looked carefully at the photographs of the scene and the corpses. The on-site information was very useful. Forensic doctors can sometimes find traces that they did not find on the scene by reviewing the photos of the scene and the corpses. Because the light and angle of photography are different, sometimes it can show things that are not easy to be found.

Chapter 11 Knocking at The Door at Midnight(II)

On the morning of the third day after the crime, Master suddenly knocked on my door and said, “Let’s go to the scene and see it again. When we looked at the photos yesterday. I found a suspicious blood footprint.”
Surprisingly, there were new discoveries. Master and I rushed to the scene and found the traces found in the photos. This was a shallow-blooded footprint, which was really hard to find with the naked eyes, but it could be dimly seen with metering irradiation of a flashlight. We got the mark inspectors and photographic technicians to take a close photo on the shallow footprint on half of the heel for observation. Through careful observation by the mark inspector, it was determined that this was a characteristic and comparable trace. But where to find the suspect’s shoes? Although new discoveries had been made, we could not promote the progress of solving the case.