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快新特写 KaiShin OneShot (有自制人物 OC Included) 前方英语高能 :)(6)

2023-05-28英语快新 来源:百合文库
A typical autumn afternoon.
"So, what do we do now...?" Kaito asks, breaking the silent walk so far.
"Not sure." Shinichi, being Shinichi, replies.
"Haha, guess you are that oblivious with love relationships." Kaito laughs, only it wasn't a cheery laugh. It hints a sad tone. There is something wrong. Something that triggered the hit. A blow.
Shinichi catches that.
Shinichi thought.
Kaito, at that moment, thought of the same thing.
"That hurts." Kaito, out of all people, decides to tell the truth.

快新特写 KaiShin OneShot (有自制人物 OC Included) 前方英语高能 :)

The truth hurts Shinichi.
"It hurts, too. For me. To see you getting hurt."
That is a fact as well.
There is nothing to hide.
"I don't know what we are fighting for but..."
"I love you." They both say in unison.
The colour gold and the smell of leaves fills the atmosphere.
As well as the laughter as charming as bells.
英语学霸们,欢迎你挑我的语法刺 :)
Silence as Deduction/Sweet Silent Death
