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法外狂徒之执行者【English Version】I(大量英文慎入)(6)

“There hasn’t been a lot of customers today. Just get away fast when you finish.” Crazitelly stood in the way at the front door in case anyone wanted to get in as he stared with burning rage at the villain. How he wished he could put an end to these crimes in one kick with his bare foot! However, he was still capable of reason that there was no way he could win over that bustard. The only things he could do now were to tolerate and pray — to pray for no more customers. Even if he wasn’t able to defeat Gelkaj, he was quite sure he could, anyhow, flee from the scene. But when it comes to ordinary people, they were definitely to be robbed of their spirits and left to die.

法外狂徒之执行者【English Version】I(大量英文慎入)

That was when what he least expected took place.
“Man it’s pouring so hard! Let me in and get a quick drink, will you? Mr. Waiter?” Out from the mist came an energetic young man. He looked pretty handsome at eight feet tall, his cheeks glowing with health, his eyebrows bushy and dark like lying silkworms, his eyes slanted like a phoenix, shining like stars in the night sky. Wearing a golden hat and a bottle green gown, he had a temperament completely different from others.