My name is Meade. I was born to a highly intellectual family a few decades ago. As my father is a man of high IQ and a scientist specialized in math and computer sciences, I inherited his genes and was exposed to his study and his scientific friends at an early age. Since born, I was quite curious about everything around me and, to find answers, gravitated towards science. As a child, I always tortured my father with all sorts of awkward questions: why can’t a dog speak? Why does everyone have a self-respect? Why can’t we fly like airplanes? Why is a boat able to float in the sea? Why can a roly-poly never fall? He dismissed me with thick books defying my age every time when he was tired of my everlasting questions, so I had no other choice but open those ones thick with dust and look strenuously for answers. As I was quite peculiar in my peers’ eyes and scarcely any of them accepted me as one of them, I had no other occupation than reading widely in literature, philosophy, physics, biology and sociology.During the course I gradually developed a special interest towards math. It is the key to open the door to a wider world in which my reason and intelligence come in. It brought happiness to me as well when I worked out a challenging problem and had a grasp of those mysterious symbols a double burger in KFC or an advanced ice cream in Haagen-dazs failed to do so. Having buried myself in books and learnt it on my own for years, I had already had some deep insight into the realm and in some professors’ eyes, the ability of a Ph.D in math when I was 16. My ambition was to become a mathematician known for solving world problems.