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【MLP】小马美文摘享:无畏与大盗——读书分享会#4 完结第六章(2)

Forge ahead 推进、取得进展。
Forge 缔造、结交(关系);伪造(事物);稳步前进
比如说我最大的希望就是及时稳步推进无畏天马冒险小说的进度:“Forging ahead the reading rate of...as planned is my biggest wish”
Gallop 之前提到,“galloping gala”万马齐腾,gallop就是马的飞奔、飞驰的意思
Dust,fern leaves rustled under her hooves 尘土与苔藓擦过她的蹄子——这为下文她的暴露有一些交代

【MLP】小马美文摘享:无畏与大盗——读书分享会#4 完结第六章

Appeared to be a sunny clearing 这句话让我想起桃花源记,“初极狭,才通人,复行数十步,豁然开朗”,暗示着无畏的心理是极为激动的。
Cliff 悬崖。 原来声音是从悬崖下传上来的,不熟悉地形的无畏天马做事最终还是出了纰漏。
The village was directly below, about forty feet down. Her hooves came to a screeching halt beneath her, trying to gain purchase on the leafy ground. "Whoaaa!” she called out as she extended her wings as a reflex. She flapped them gently and backed herself away from the edge. Her cloak had fallen back from her face and away from her wings.

【MLP】小马美文摘享:无畏与大盗——读书分享会#4 完结第六章
