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第十九章(终章):Hiccup the Useful(14)

Stoick signaled to the crowd for silence, but only so he could boom out the following speech at full blast:
"Hooligans and Meatheads! Terrors of the Seas, Sons of Thor and most feared Masters of the Dragon! I feel humbled to present you with the most recent member of the Hooligan Tribe. I give you my son --
And the words "Hiccup the Useful" came echoing down from the hills behind and were shouted back again by the cheering crowd, and were picked up and carried on the night breeze, until the whole world seemed to be telling Hiccup that maybe he was going to be Useful after all.

第十九章(终章):Hiccup the Useful

And that, my friends, that, is the Hard Way to Become a Hero.
 The Isle of Berc Dark ages 
Deer Professor Yobbish I am riting to complane most strongly about yoor book
How to trane yoor dragon
Have you ever tried yelling at one of those sea monster dragons yourself
Come to berc and I will show you what I mean
Yours nott very truly
Stock the vast
