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"OKAY, then," said Toothless.
Hiccup heaved a huge sigh of relief as Toothless took off in shambolic fashion in the general direction of the sea.
"This is too good to be true," Hiccup said to himself ten minutes later as Toothless returned from a second trip, clearly too bored for words but dropping a couple of herring at Hiccup's feet. "In about half an hour, I, Hiccup, will become a fully paid-up member of the Hairy Hooligan tribe."


It was too good to be true. Fireworm was just flying back to Snotlout with her twentieth fish, her green cat's eyes snapping with triumph, when Toothless called out:
"S-s-sloppy. snob."
Fireworm stopped in mid-air. Her head whipped round, her eyes narrowing.
"WHAT did you say?" hissed Fireworm.
"Oh no," said Hiccup. "No, Toothless, no, don't

