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【东方×疫情第二弹】寄世界于偶像~Who's the Spreader(7)

2023-05-17 来源:百合文库

【东方×疫情第二弹】寄世界于偶像~Who’s the Spreader

"She is aimed to visit the Koumakan(红魔馆) and kill Remilia! You won't stop her!" A ghost of a dead Syao Jam's fan said.
"Bullshit! I told you to keep the secret!" Another one scolded.
It was at that time when Yukari finally r-ealized that the true object they intend to rui-n is Remilia Scarlet, who was accused of sp-reading the virus. She informed Reimu to c-ome with her to get to the Koumakan.
"Ding~" It was not the ringtone powered by Dingtalk, it was the door bell. Sakuya ca-me up to the gate, then she saw a group of maidens standing in front of her with their le-ader stamping at Hong Meiling's head. "You do harm to our gege, you should die! Remili-a, you Batman!"

【东方×疫情第二弹】寄世界于偶像~Who’s the Spreader
