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As I was an old face to most of them, the bosses and I were very familiar with each other. Being treated as a frequent visitor, I felt it a pretty good bargain when I bought a good many of coins and was given discounts in secret. Besides, I can reel off the names of the nearby master-hands in playing KOF 97: John, Smith, Miller, Brown and I. We challenged each other whenever met together even if they always suffered defeat and humiliation at the hands of me. It could be argued that compares to friendship, success and failure means nothing to us, the game developed intimate relationships between us, if without it, many friends of mine in the game world could merely have been strangers brush against each other in the street. Most admirers and fans of me regard I as a genius who can play excellently without practice, but, to be frank, I was a rookie a few years ago, took pains to improve my skill and eventually become who I am now. People are invariably conscious of one's success, and neglect his struggle period, but can you find me a successful man without working his way up to the top? I like to be challenged, because I am always the ever-victorious general who burst with pride when my rivals fail to vanquish me and finally leave the console in despair. I enjoy the feeling that they seemed to be punctured balloons and stared at me spluttering a series of filthy words, “Fuck! You piece of shit! Why my luck has always been against me?” Occasionally, I run into that kind of rogues who turned the machine off when they were thoroughly discredited in the competition. As I dared not quarrel with or humiliate them, what I can do was to turn them into the butt of my ridicule and disdain inwardly. Over time, I distinguished myself among fighting game players and was nicknamed "the Fighting God". Even when I was exalted to the skies, I had a strong desire to be defeated, because I constantly felt boring playing it when I was always the winner.