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英 语 学 习 资 料 3(23)

2023-05-16 来源:百合文库
Her head low, Renée dug her fingernails into her palms to keep herself from crying. She was being dismissed... Tréville had seized the very first chance to get rid of her. It was so unfair!
“Wait, Captain! It wasn’t this boy’s fault.”
Raising her head, she saw a young musketeer walking towards them. His dark blue eyes glinted with a keen intelligence.
“All he did was respond to Gaspard’s provocation,” He continued. “No self respecting gentleman could have endured such insults without demanding satisfaction.”

英 语 学 习 资 料 3

“Besides that, Captain, we all saw the skill of this young boy and he is, without a doubt, a very precious recruit,” added a gargantuan musketeer with a generous face.
“Is this true, Aramis?” Tréville inquired. “Did you only respond to an insult?”
“Yes, Captain.” She murmured, her face reddening.
“Why didn’t you say so?” Tréville exclaimed , turning and walking swiftly off to reprimand Gaspard.
“I owe you my thanks.” Renée murmured, looking at the two musketeers gratefully.
“We only spoke the truth,” replied the blue-eyed musketeer. “It would have been unjust for you to be punished for having defended your honor.”