原件复印件,State Library of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.尽管如此,世界各国以强烈抗议和保持租界内不受干扰为条件,观察着一切。在Clune的书“Sky High to Shanghai”中,他写道紧急事态下的上海租界宛如一块孤岛,岌岌可危,被废墟和难民包围,成为了人们逃离战乱最后的曙光。从他和平饭店的房间里望出去,他可以清楚的看到城市里最繁忙的街道和南京路。在午夜,Clune无法入眠,走出了酒店,无视了宵禁令走到了江边,看着那曾经世界闻名的外滩。他写道“这江岸边绵延着是由诸多大理石和岩石堆砌的庄严的大楼,欧洲的纪念碑和在远东经商的企业公司。而现在的外滩已经一片荒芜,至少我眼里是这样,路上还被一个警察要求出示我的记者证件。。。这曾经夜晚里的喧嚣如今已经消失了,只留下许多船只模糊的影子在黑夜里和桅杆上摇曳的灯光。
‘It seemed incredible that less than seven months previously shells had shrieked, bombs has bombed, and bodies innumerable had been blown to smithereens and spattered in fragments on the walls and pavements of the city.’ - Frank Clune, Sky High to Shanghai. (Sydney: Angus and Robertson, 1941), 587.
‘It seemed incredible that less than seven months previously shells had shrieked, bombs has bombed, and bodies innumerable had been blown to smithereens and spattered in fragments on the walls and pavements of the city.’ - Frank Clune, Sky High to Shanghai. (Sydney: Angus and Robertson, 1941), 587.