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【原创少战同人】(6) Assam×Darjeeling 英文原版(建议词汇量3500以上阅读)(4)

Shakespeare commanded a vocabulary larger than that of any other English writer. He used 16, 000 words (of course he knew much more). In Darjeeling’s opinion, Cervantes was the only writer who came close to standing with Shakespeare.
Somehow, she lifted up her head, maybe was thinking, and peered up at a prominent book named Son and Lover. “How careless the librarian!” She murmured, reached out to the outlier. 

【原创少战同人】(6) Assam×Darjeeling 英文原版(建议词汇量3500以上阅读)

Standing on a tiptoe, stretching her left arm, she still cannot reach the book. (Darjeeling’s height is 5'2".)
A big hand came in sight, right upon her head, casting shadow that big enough to cover Darjeeling’s whole body. 
The hand took the book off the shelf, “You want this? Whi’ isi’ yer gau’ae dae’e noo?” (What is it that you are going to do?)
Assam could hear her own footsteps reverberating off the glass over head. She was about to enter the office, and caught a distant voice, a song. She stayed and listened with great concentration:

【原创少战同人】(6) Assam×Darjeeling 英文原版(建议词汇量3500以上阅读)
