Segicverse2 第三章 星光四散(2)
2023-05-16 来源:百合文库
走廊上的法师们纷纷后退,有的捂住孩子的眼睛,有的直接晕血倒地,警卫顿了顿,毫无感情地质问:“Is he your best representative?”
“So what's your decision?!”
“Their starship is coming !”逃难的法师跑向山后,他们中最后的强者还在努力抗争。烈焰吞噬着从四面八方袭来的核能冲击,原本漆黑的夜空被染得半边微红。火光在法师的脸上跳动。星舰开炮了,白光覆盖了整个山头,法师绝望地遣散了火焰:“I've reached my limit.....”
“It's not a nightmare,we have to find a solution!”
“But can we?”
“I heard a spell when I was young,I have to call everyone here.”
“Everyone come here!”
“What's wrong?”
“Any ideas?”
“There's no time to explain,I'll do it now!”
“Tracky, my son, I hope you are always the luckiest.”
“Do we still have hope? Can anyone help me?”Tracky忍着心疼说完,红了的眼眶中饱含泪水。
“I can.” 少年咬了一口新采的毛茛花,望向了身旁的国王,国王放下了手中的茶杯,若有所思,还是点了点头。
“Goodbye, my friend, come back after finishing your work. We monsters won't forget you.”
“You can really help me?”
“ how should I call you?”
“So what's your decision?!”
“Their starship is coming !”逃难的法师跑向山后,他们中最后的强者还在努力抗争。烈焰吞噬着从四面八方袭来的核能冲击,原本漆黑的夜空被染得半边微红。火光在法师的脸上跳动。星舰开炮了,白光覆盖了整个山头,法师绝望地遣散了火焰:“I've reached my limit.....”
“It's not a nightmare,we have to find a solution!”
“But can we?”
“I heard a spell when I was young,I have to call everyone here.”
“Everyone come here!”
“What's wrong?”
“Any ideas?”
“There's no time to explain,I'll do it now!”
“Tracky, my son, I hope you are always the luckiest.”
“Do we still have hope? Can anyone help me?”Tracky忍着心疼说完,红了的眼眶中饱含泪水。
“I can.” 少年咬了一口新采的毛茛花,望向了身旁的国王,国王放下了手中的茶杯,若有所思,还是点了点头。
“Goodbye, my friend, come back after finishing your work. We monsters won't forget you.”
“You can really help me?”
“ how should I call you?”