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Segicverse2 第三章 星光四散

2023-05-16 来源:百合文库

Segicverse2 第三章 星光四散

“We will make the world a better place, you just need to allow us to develop, to create, to discover!” Startyr看着已经伸在眼前的钛合金剑,不由自主地用沾满灰尘的双手向后挪动,面前的星际警卫员一脚踩在了他的小腿上,钉鞋刺入腿骨。可在这样的恐惧下,Startyr已经感觉不到了,只是呆滞地望向前方。
“Humans are now living a happy life,”警卫员语气冰冷,好像这句话已经说过无数遍了一样,“What we have is already enough. We don't need to discover more. ”
“For example, do you know how many people die of the teleportation which human created? 5 million a year. And many people still have to do the teleportation-related jobs” Startyr还是竭力劝说着警卫,“Magic can save them! We just need to accept it and try it!”
“So stupid, you are risking the 150 trillion lives”警卫显然早已被洗脑,听了这些话更加不耐烦了,一剑戳向前去,插入眼眶,翻出鲜红的筋肉,然后用力将Startyr挑起,走出房间,。

Segicverse2 第三章 星光四散
