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前传4—Unwritten Rules不成文的规则(14)

2023-05-16动漫感人剧情正能量 来源:百合文库
"No, see, I have this paper with me!" I exclaimed, reaching into my pocket and handing them Parana's envelope.
He hesitated for a moment but took my offering, shoving it in some pocket without reading what it had to say and turning back to us after a few seconds.
"I'll take one of you," he sneered. "The girl, that's it."
"But...But our paper said--"
"I don't care. We don't take your kind here, but I'll be kind and humor the girl."

前传4—Unwritten Rules不成文的规则

My eyes widened and arms went limp with bewilderment, but Xhianei stayed close and clung to my left arm, returning the man's scowl.
"If my brother can't go, I won't go, either," she growled.
I spun my head.
"Xhianei, you should stay here," I said, eyes welling up. "This is where we were supposed to go."
From the corner of my eye I could see a smirk crease the man's lips.

前传4—Unwritten Rules不成文的规则
