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We all travel... to...lose ourselves

2023-05-15 来源:百合文库

We all travel... to...lose ourselves

【前言】:英语的写作里需要很多的techniques, 其中iverson(倒装句)发挥着举足轻重的作用。下面的一段狼少侠的亲自经历和心情写照里几乎包含了常用的倒装手法,希望对你倒装句的认识和理解进一步得到提升和深化。谢谢阅读
We all travel... to... lose ourselves 
I was sitting in a cafe near my house when the setting sun cast an orange glow over the green hill in the twilight, and LITTLE DID I dream of such a thing, but I bumped into a friend whom I hadn't met for donkey years.
 UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should I forget her. While looking at her fleeting smile on her face in the flickering candilght, nowhere else in the world DID I feel the sense of well-being. NOT ONLY DID we talk about our past, BUT ALSO we gave a sight to the unfair fate to both of us.

We all travel... to...lose ourselves
