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Chapter 5 The Suicide Girl (I)(10)

2023-04-27 来源:百合文库
It took us more than three hours on a bumpy dirt road to reach the remote spot. By the time we arrived at the scene, Luther’s body had been salvaged and was lying on the shore, wet and the hair was still dripping. Under the sunshine, it looked ghastly.
Several policemen stood around the corpse, they also wet, who seemed to have taken great pains to refloat the body. Candate arrived at the scene also. She sat there blankly. The head of the village was talking to her, but she sat as still as if she had not heard. She sat there motionless, looking straight ahead, no pains, no desperation, no sorrows, she was just sitting there.
The deceased dressed neatly, his fingernails were black and blue, the mouth and nasal cavity also adhered to foam, suffocation signs were obvious. There was no damage to the lip or neck, the chest and the abdomen were distended. I opened the decedent’s nasal cavity with a hemostatic forcep and found a lot of dirt in it. Then I unclenched the closed dental arch, found there was a lot of sediments. These were all typical signs of drowning. That so-called drowning means drowning while alive, rather than throwing the body into water after death. This is very clear. (Dental arch: Aligned teeth are called dental arch, and the spaces between them lead to the mouth cavity.)