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Chapter 3 The Floating Skeleton (II)(4)

2023-04-27 来源:百合文库
Smoking at the scene is strictly prohibited, this is the rule of crime scene investigation. Baron took off his gloves, walked out of the yard to the pond, and smoked a cigarette slowly. Suddenly, an idea flashed through his mind, he shouted to me to come.
 “We just got three body ports in the moat, and the frogmen didn’t find any clues, right?” Baron’s face was full of excitement.
 “Yeah, you once said if the viscera were discarded there, others may not pay attention, but the head and the skeleton should not be missing.” I said.
 “If you were the butcher, after discarded the soft tissues, and because you didn’t boast a traffic tool, so you cannot bring the skeleton to the moat, how would you deal with the skeleton?”
I thought for a moment, looked around the circumstance, and got Baron’s meaning, “Ha ha, I would discard them into the pond!”
 “Yes! Because the skeleton is unlike the whole body to decay and inflate, which can lead to increasing the flotage. The skeleton throwed into the pond would be covered by silt quickly, which would never float up. That’s why the butcher removed all the soft tissues and discarded them. He was afraid of the corpse would float up after throw into the pond!” Baron said with confidence. “Come on, kid, let’s do something big.”