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Introduction of 'Voice of the Death'(2)

2023-04-27 来源:百合文库
Quentin is one of the distinguished and ordinary forensic scientists who is fighting in the frontline. When this book “Voice of the Death” whose original book name is “Ghost hand, Buddha heart”, serialized on the Internet, I often fondle it admiringly and can’t help urging to update new chapters. The stories are originated from the real cases and subtly integrated a lot of professional knowledge and investigation wisdom, whose fascinating plots diffusing insuppressible righteousness and forensic experts’ optimism and humor. I have learned much from this book which provided much excellent reference and guidance for me to research the suspects’ micropsychological response and also laid a good foundation for me to co-operate with more different professional departments from public security ministry.
Citing a paragraph from Quentin “When the hottest time in every year, the air temperature exceeds the normal temperature of the human body and provides a good circumstance for bacteria’s breed and multiply. When civil servants hide in the air-conditioned rooms proceeding with brain work, forensic experts salvage and inspect various shapes of the corpse under scorching sun, among mountains and plains, in the water flows. To say “various shapes” is not exaggerated. Corpse rots every day. From greenish discoloration on cadaver to venous network on putrefying cadaver, to blacked cadaver, to inflated cadaver, and even to bloated cadaver that the most headache for forensic experts. No matter what the cadaver changes, forensic experts cannot take a hands-off attitude and cannot deceive the task”. We can know that in every related injury or death major and serious case, including all the hard-working efforts from forensic doctors.