A female hand reached over to the bedside table and clicked the off button on the Starly-themed alarm clock. The eyes of a certain blue-haired Coordinator fluttered open lazily, and she focused her glance to see the time, finding that it was the early morning.
So tired..., Dawn thought. She placed the clock back on the desk and quickly flipped over, blocking the sun from her eyes and burying her face in the pillow.
Some movement at the bottom of the bedspread indicated that Piplup had crawled out of his cozy shelter. The Penguin Pokémon had indeed done so, and stretched out its body to work out the morning kinks. Piplup grumbled with a yawn, waking up fully. Dawn tightly closed her eyes, certain that Piplup would either go back to sleep or find his own way out of the room. The small padding of Piplup's ovular feet, though, disproved this theory, but Dawn assumed that the water-type would simply curl up next to her like he always did early on in the night.
Unfortunately, Piplup tapped its round beak on Dawn's shoulder blade. Dawn groaned, "Five more minutes..." but Piplup continued affectionately tapping her. "A little longer, Piplup, please..." Dawn complained, trying as hard as she could to fall back into the sweet release of sleep.