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2023-03-26历史源氏物语日本文化读书分享 来源:百合文库
Ivan Morris discusses the themes in The Tales of Genji and relates those to the subtlety of the Heian culture. For example, he says that the society prefers using allusions to relay meaning instead of explicit statements (Morris, “Aspects of The Tales of Genji”). He states that “the members of Murasaki’s society always preferred the allusion to the statement, the hint to the explanation. […
] For people who live in a small, closed society, like that of the Heian court, the entire range of experience will be so familiar that the briefest hint will suffice to convey one’s meaning” (Morris, “Aspects of The Tales of Genji”). The chapter about the safflower princess magnifies how these subtle factors work, and how inept she is at employing them. It also helps illustrate how she is being shown as less respected because she cannot engage in these subtle allusions as the most respected members can. In one passage, the princess’ attendants are proud of their lady’s writing for its straightforwardness; however, the other characters receiving the message are more perplexed and disappointed by its plainness (Murasaki, The Tales of Genji). Without access to the subtlety of writing poems or turning a phrase, the safflower princess will continue to be ostracized despite her noble birth.