【书名】《暗算》 (In the Dark – 400页,企鹅出版社2015年出版)
一星: 1%(1)
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com转载请注明出处
1、 四星,Vanessa,英国,女
Putting the dreadful Decoded aside, In TheDark is a much better prospect.
The reader is lead through four shortstories all of which involve people with unusual and genius talents which areto be used and exploited by China's Secret Service - at the mysteriouscryptography Unit 701.
Although Mai Jia's writing is sometimesquite surreal In The Dark is very readable and moves along nicely. ReadingChinese literature, is always interesting, because characters often don't reactas we in the West would. Perhaps this is because they are often portrayed asParty members - all work, no play and the Party comes first.
Reading Chinese cliches, similes andmetaphors is quite enjoyable but also very strange and at times almost opaquefor a western reader. Take for example "There is a saying that some womenare quite shrewish and some men toadying." Or what seems to be a classicChinese proverb "you always save the best steel for knives". Thesecond I can kind of understand but the first seems to need the culturalcontext of having grown up in China and it diminishes your appreciation of thetext without that background. Contrast that to how easily a western audiencedigests the General Patton quote used towards the end. "There's only oneproper way for a professional soldier to die: the last bullet of the lastbattle of the last war". It's so easy for a western audience tounderstand.