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    One day, Westly, a famous explorer in the world, received a letter from Africa. It said that Genfu, Westly's cousin, was arrested because Genfu murdered 23 people. Westly couldn't believe that Genfu had killed so many people at a time. Therefore, Westly went immediately to Africa to help Genfu and to find out the truth.
    After he arrived in Africa, the officer who was handling this incident introduced a reporter, who was also interested in it, to Westly. The three smart men decided to investigate this incident as a group.
    On the way to Westly's temporary living place, the group received an unbelievable message that said Genfu had already escaped from prison and left a mine which looked like an eye. The group studied the mine for a long time but got nothing.
    Several days later, it was pure coincidence that the group met Genfu on the street. They realized that Genfu had become an alien because he magically brought them to the roof without moving. Westly also saw that there was only one eye on Genfu's face instead of two. At the same time, the reporter found out the officer had become an alien too because there was also an eye on the officer's chest! The two aliens started to attack each other and finally perished together by fell down from the roof.