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1500 m – UIC standard double length train
1222 m – The Bangalore–Dharmavaram goods train (India)[16]—The train runs between Bangalore and Dharmavaram almost every day. There is no stop for this train, and there is no railway station on this route which can accommodate the whole train on a single track or platform.Indian Railways term this as increased vehicle length (IVL). This reduces the traffic in this single-lined region; two goods train attached back to back, each train is led by two diesel electric locomotives.
1000 m
The Netherlands–Germany—trial trains of this length[17]
Saudi Arabia 1000 m double stack[18]
835 m—In Denmark and to Hamburg, Germany; 2 locomotives and 82 waggons.[19][20]
800 m—RVR in East Africa (Kenya–Uganda) to introduce longer trains, which needs longer crossing loops.
750 m – Normal for mainlines in several countries in Europe.
750 m – UIC standard single length train
400 m – New South Wales steam era, where lengths also limited by practical length of crossing loops mechanically operated from signal boxes.
Australia BHP Run on 21 June 2001, comprising 682 wagons and hauled by eight 6000 hp General Electric GE AC6000CW diesel-electric locomotives controlled by a single driver with a total length of 7.352 km on the 275 km iron ore railway to Port Hedland in Western Australia – total weight 99,734 tons on a 1,435mm gauge line.[25]