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ACCEL WORLD, Volume 1,Chapter 1(15)

2023-03-08加速世界 来源:百合文库
Dammit, who needs reality anyway?
The scream of resentment pierced the back of his brain, unable to shut out his problems even while tackling the game at top speed.
Why do we need dumb stuff like a real classroom or a real school? People can live entirely virtually already. I mean, the world stinks with grown-ups actually doing just that. So much so that they even did those experiments way back when, where they turned a person’s entire consciousness into quantum data and tried to build a real parallel universe.
And yet despite all that, they toss groups of us kids into real-life cages to learn group life and develop some kind of morals, or for whatever other idiotic reasons they have. All well and good for Araya and them, probably helps them relax a bit and save their allowances. But for me…I don’t know what else I can do.
A bell sounded, and his game increased a level in the corner of his vision.
The ball accelerated abruptly. The angle of return was also irregular, and the ball came powering along, drawing an arc from an unexpected direction. Haruyuki’s reaction time gradually started to lag.