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ACCEL WORLD, Volume 1,Chapter 1(14)

2023-03-08加速世界 来源:百合文库
He was actually getting tired of squash, but it wasn’t like he had anywhere else to go.
Haruyuki grabbed the racquet that popped up from the panel and held it firmly in his pink right hand with its black hoof. After the words GAME START
 appeared, a ball dropped down out of nowhere. He hit it with everything he had, pouring every ounce of today’s misery into the racquet.
Thk! Leaving a momentary flash, the ball flew up like a laser and struck the floor and the forward wall before returning. Aided by reflex more than sight, Haruyuki returned the ball with a backhand, taking a step to the left in line with the optimal solution to which his brain automatically guided him.
The real Haruyuki obviously could not move like this. But this was an electronic world, free of the chains of meatspace. Watching the ball and moving his body were just quantum signals traveling back and forth between his brain and the Neurolinker.
The ball abruptly lost its substance, leaving nothing but a faint trace of light on the court. The thwack it made sounded several times a second, echoing like a machine gun. Still, Haruyuki made his pig’s body leap and dance and his racket sing in every direction.