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2023-03-08朴智妍朴孝敏敏妍 来源:百合文库
“好啊 这可是你说的”朴孝敏笑着回应“新郎你还认识呢”
“我很熟?”朴智妍有点蒙 因为她不记得自己有这么一个朋友“到底是谁啊?怎么还不来啊?”
“她就是一个臭小子 不听话 不乖 总是惹我 而且还在婚礼这一天迟到 智妍一定要帮我好好教训她 ”
“嗯 好 欧尼说的一定要做到”朴智妍拍拍自己的胸脯保证“竟然现在还不来 真的是过分”
“她刚刚没来 但是”朴孝敏停顿一下“现在来了”
朴孝敏上前拉起朴智妍的手 十指相扣
朴智妍感受到有人拉她 转回头 看到朴孝敏和她十指相扣
“牧师 婚礼开始吧”朴孝敏用英语和牧师交流
“哦~~哦~~”咸恩静在一旁震惊“素妍欧尼 孝敏这是要和智妍结婚了吗?”咸恩静搭在朴素妍肩上的手快速的拍打着
朴素妍选择无视咸恩静 拉起李居丽的手
“居丽欧尼 我们上那边去”随后朴素妍搂着李居丽的腰 来到全宝蓝的另一边
咸恩静见朴素妍没有理她 转过身对着全宝蓝问着同样的问题
全宝蓝想 这孩子...
“嘘 别说话”全宝蓝示意咸恩静“静静看”
【We are gathered here today in the sight of God,
and in the face of this company, to join together Park jiyeon and
Park hyomin in holy matrimony; which is an honorable estate,
instituted of God, since the first man and the first woman walked on the
earth. Therefore; it is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly,
but reverently and soberly. Into this holy estate these two persons
present come now to be joined. If any one can show just cause why they