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英语同人短篇小说: Daughter Of A Cannibal《食人者之女》(一)(6)

她现在年长多了,朱丽叶斯不再和她在一起,所以她已经忘记大部分关于这两位女巫的故事,但她确实记得那些被告知的,关于她父母的少量信息。她被告知她的母亲时常寻找并品尝不同的食物而她的父亲是个厨师,给她提供这些食物。如果能够了解更多关于他们的信息,那就太好了,可是大部分她所听到关于他们的事总是围绕于她母亲的身上,而且她所听到的永远都不是好事。如果她有听他们说过的每件事, 她就不会处于这样的处境了。她应该听他们所说的每句话, 而她的所作所为就不会被质疑了。人们应该关注她, 这样她就不会吃了她所吃的东西。
Once she turned 18, she left Julius’s household and set out to start her own life. Travelling, trying cuisines like her mother, trying to cook different recipes like her father, she had planned to do all of them and she had. She tried many different types of food and even got to try making some. She had become known for being like her mother when she was younger, travelling and eating.
She travelled to wherever there was something she hadn’t tried before and that led her to a small town which was known for its meat.
As she travelled through different towns to reach her destination, she made sure to find out about her future location by asking the townsfolk she passed. At first, it was small things about all the different types of food that was there but as she passed through more towns that were closer to it, more gruesome talks came up. Using parts of a pig that a normal human wouldn’t dare eat, serving animals like cats and dogs, and the thing which everybody she talked to made sure to tell her so she wouldn’t follow in her mother’s footsteps, they served humans.