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Huang_ShaoTian  Lv 2
  3 days ago
I seriously loveit. I watched the animation first and as a Gamer myself, i fell in love with itquickly!
也秀。黄少天。我的最爱。关于这个系列,我喜欢它!。认真的最好。 国王的头像现在是我的单位新宠物
Nami_Heartfilia  Lv 2
  Reading Status: C964  3 days ago
The story isamazing. I might have skipped a couple of chapters (the Ye Xiu-less chapters)but the story is still great! I love Ye Xiu's character. I have wanted to reada story like this for a long time: a story with overpowered character withproblems and no harem.
NEZUMI_23  Lv 3
  Reading Status: C952  4 days ago
I encountered TheKing's Avatar as an anime before reading the novel. That time, my interest waspiqued. The story, the characters, the game itself... I really loved them. Wheni begun reading the novel undr my sister's influence, I was really engrossed...I play RPG games myself and while I was reading it, I always feel like I'mplaying aswell.