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2023-03-04未完待续简单游戏测评双语讲故事 来源:百合文库
 Just in front of me,the first law of survuval under war:When you go out ,don't trust anyone。
 The old man just said,“don't hurt us。You can take whatever you want。”
So I only took a small part of the material,when ready to go  and put all the food left to the elderly,just take a medicine,because at that time the pavle injured(the brackets are not translated in English。it's too long。)
 After returning home,Pavle know this matter, unchastened said:Katia,we're young ,Perhaps,what you do today wil happen to you, because the glory of human nature is the most important thing in the war。 Have you ever though about the difference between what you did and those who fought in the war?Are you tired of the night,so you don't have a good sleep ,hope that this is  
a good night。
  Long ninght。。。。。
by Ling Meng
