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2022-08-20 来源:百合文库
The presidents"s risignation leads to extensive speculation.总统的辞职引起了人们的广泛猜测。
land speculation 地产投机买卖
4、prominent a.杰出的;著名的;突出的;显眼的
【举例】people prominent in science科学界的知名人士
His nose is too prominent.他的鼻子太高了。
promminent markings 显眼的记号
18xx年,处在写作生涯巅峰期的王尔德遇见了阿尔弗雷德·“波西”·道格拉斯(Alfred "Bosie" Douglas),两人很快成为了同性恋人。四年后,因为这段“不敢说出名字的爱”,王尔德被判“有伤 风化”罪而入狱。在狱中,王尔德开始反思从前的生活,思索痛苦和人生的意义,艺术和爱的真谛,最终将那些痛苦的.泪水都化作优 美而深沉的文字,写成了这封名为"de profundis"(从深处)的长信。
作者简介:奥斯卡·王尔德(Oscar Wilde, 18xx-19xx),英国维多利亚时代著名作家,“唯美主义 运动”的领军人物,倡导“为艺术而艺术”(Art for art"s sake)。他的代表作有戏剧《莎乐美》(Salome)《认真的 重要性》(The Importance of Being Earnest),童话《快乐王子》(The Happy Prince) 《夜莺与玫瑰》(The Nightingale and the Rose) ,小说《道连·格雷的画像》(The Picture of Dorian Gray),以及书信《自深深处》(De Profundis)等。
If you had any imagination inyou, you would know that there is not a singleperson who has been kind to me in my prison-life,down to the warder who may give me a goodmorningor a good-night that is not one of hisprescribed duties—down to the common policemenwho in their homely rough way strove to comfort meon my journeys to and fro from the BankruptcyCourt under conditions of terrible mentaldistress—down to the poor thief who, recognisingme as we tramped round the yard at Wandsworth,whispered to me in the hoarse prison-voice men getfrom long and compulsory silence: