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2022-08-17 来源:百合文库
.. ". Daisy, in Chinese, means Daisy, a small yellow white flower that symbolizes money and emptiness. When she met Gatsby for the first time, she wore white clothes and drove a white sports car. On the surface, she was innocent and pure. It was the pure image of white clothes that became his dream that he pursued for his whole life but could never reach.
In fact, Daisys heart was empty and her soul smelled of copper. Though she was often dressed in white, she wore copper buttons and a small gold pen. Her goal in life is to have fun, and love is naturally based on money. She refused Gatsbys marriage to Tom because of this. When she saw Gatsbys expensive shirts, she was so excited that she buried her face in her clothes and cried.
Im afraid she mostly regretted that she didnt marry Gatsby. Superficiality, emptiness, ignorance, indifference and selfishness are the essence of daisy, and in fact the root of Gatsbys tragedy. In fact, Daisy itself is the symbol of the American dream, which not only represents Gatsbys pursuit, but also represents the spirit of the whole "Jazz Age", as well as the hypocritical values and moral standards of the bourgeoisie.