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2022-08-17 来源:百合文库
m. to midnight, which was sent to the guests, like a beautiful and erosive dream, with gold as the base. In fact, Gatsbys tragic ending is not hard to predict. What he got in exchange for money is hypocrisy. Where can he do it really. Surprisingly, Gatsby had already seen the clue, but he was willing to jump in.
The first thing that appears in the novel is Thomas Parker danviriers saying: if you can make her happy, wear a gold hat, if you can jump high, jump for her too, until she cries out: "lover, lover with gold hat and high jump, I have to ask you!" Its exactly what Daisy, the gold digger, looks like. This is a very successful image - "her words are full of money flavor - this is the infinite charm of her voice cadence, the jingle of money, the singing of cymbals It seems that in the White Palace, the kings daughter, the golden girl.