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2022-05-27 来源:百合文库
this time,Walter returns to homeland,to be determined for the Laura snow wonderful injustice.Gets the facts straight finally after the difficult investigation the truth,restored Laura"s legitimate successor status.In the Percivall fire on the scene got killed,the Fox branch is assassinated.Woll and Laura unified.
For several months without reading novels but also not seen relatively thick book, the last reading fiction or graduate before that time, watching perfume and veil novels. Look at this two novel because I would like to see the movie of the same name, prior to the characters and story to understand. White lady in the novel is my March this year in the research below stall buy.


Obviously, it is a Book Publishing House book white lady, appeared in China is no fame. I bought this book for only one reason, Andrew Lloyd Webber would later adapted as a musical. Although the musical was not affected by his previous works the same welcome, but since I have a musical recordings, in that a Chinese version of the novel at the time, I would not hesitate to a Book of 600 pages, with 10 dollars price income already own.