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2022-05-26 来源:百合文库
8.Son, you must be surprised to get another cassette so soon. I have good news. Your singles club found a near match for you. She"s 5" 8" tall... and although she only has one doctorate degree.. she is also an opera singer... and she speaks five languages. Dad and I are going to give you a surprise. We"re flying her to New York so you can meet her.
Her name is Wu Ren Ren, but everyone calls her Little Sister Mao. She"ll be staying with her cousin in New York... and will arrive in two weeks. Please pick her up at the airport. Aren"t you excited? We are.
儿子啊你一定没想到妈这么快又寄一卷录音带给你。那是因为妈有好消息告诉你。来电俱乐部果然名不虚传。已经为你找到近乎理想的对象,这个女孩175公分高,不过只有一个生物博士学位原来她是专攻歌剧的所以能说五国语言。爸爸跟我商量的结果我们决定送你一个大礼。我们会出钱安排这个女孩飞到纽约一趟。她的名字叫吴仁仁,大家都叫她的小名,毛妹。她大概再过两个礼拜就会到达纽约。她会住在她表姐的家里 我希望无论如何你一定要到机场去接她。儿子,你听到这个消息一定会跟我们一样兴奋,是不是?