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都市传说:卡里登21台 上(英文删减版)(20)

2024-06-15卡里登21台 来源:百合文库

都市传说:卡里登21台 上(英文删减版)

I told Pollo that the man was probably the owner of Caledon Local 21, but he doubted it, as he heard that the man was moving to Pickering by several other residents near that area.
Here is what I know now:
The Man would take kids into the woods regularly for “camping”
The fire pit Pollo described may be the hole the bodies of the children were found in
The children Pollo saw are probably the ones found dead
The man moved to a city called Pickering (a smaller city east of Toronto)

都市传说:卡里登21台 上(英文删减版)
