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都市传说:卡里登21台 上(英文删减版)(14)

2024-06-15卡里登21台 来源:百合文库

都市传说:卡里登21台 上(英文删减版)

I expected Mr. Bear to be at the door, but I was surprised to see a police officer emerge from the creaking doorway. The officer began talking to my dad, while I quickly asked if that was Mr. Bear’s house. The officer’s face cringed slightly, and he muttered, “Oh God,” or something like that. He started talking quietly to my dad so I couldn’t hear, although my dad told me to go to the car anyway. And then we just went home. My dad was quiet the whole way home. I felt something strange had happened.

都市传说:卡里登21台 上(英文删减版)
