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都市传说:卡里登21台 下(英文删减版)(6)

2024-06-15卡里登21台 来源:百合文库

都市传说:卡里登21台 下(英文删减版)

Thanks, guys.
[Update] – November 7, 2010Wow, I can’t believe this blog hasn’t been deleted yet, I haven’t posted anything for so long. I have my reasons and I’d rather not discuss them just yet, it has been a rather… traumatic year for me. Some of you were right, I shouldn’t have gone back trying to relive the mysteries of my childhood, but I couldn’t resist. It has been over a year since my last post and a lot has happened. Let’s recap where I’m at right now with regards to the whole “Mr. Bear” incident.

都市传说:卡里登21台 下(英文删减版)
