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都市传说:卡里登21台 下(英文删减版)(2)

2024-06-15卡里登21台 来源:百合文库
Here is what the kids told me in detail:
The storm drain lies ahead of the kids’ fort, the same direction I was heading.
The drain ends at a small river, where access water is drained out. Near here is a small playground (the kids told me people rarely use it).
The man supposedly lives in the large pipe that rainwater drains out of. People have seen him, although always either wearing a bear mask or the mask and a full body bear costume. Note: I do not believe this is true, and in fact simply a myth made by the residents of Caledon. The story does not seem plausible in any way, why did no one call the police? Didn’t this guy look suspicious? And other questions like these leave the story invalid.

都市传说:卡里登21台 下(英文删减版)

I may visit the storm drain. Not because I believe the story, but because I want an excuse to visit Caledon again, so this blog doesn’t die (With no more tapes to watch, I don’t know what to talk about anymore!).
Thanks for continuing to support me and my blog. I know many are looking forward to more information about what happened in Caledon during the year 1999, and I will do my best to continue my research into the topic. Elliot out.