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Just a bet 第24章(上) (达荧英语同人文汉化)(18)

2024-06-15达荧 来源:百合文库

Just a bet 第24章(上) (达荧英语同人文汉化)

“ Mnnn’好... 现在该睡觉了,”她用鼻子蹭着他的胸口,引来了男人温柔而温暖的笑容,很好... 不久之前,冬季舞会只是他用来结束赌越的舞台... 而现在... 这是他求婚的舞台... 再过一个月,他的余生就要开始了。他等不及了。
Saturday.Normally a day for sleeping in after a killer party but the past month had changed Ajax to seeing it more as a snuggle day. When his phone rang out early on, he couldn’t help but groan out in annoyance at the custom ringtone. Ganyu’s number rang a song about a milkshake and how it brought boys to her yard. If he wasn’t with Lumine, he might have to agree, Ganyu was stunning... but he was with Lumine, and now it was just annoying.

Just a bet 第24章(上) (达荧英语同人文汉化)
