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Just a bet 第25章(上) (达荧英语同人文汉化)(49)

2024-06-14达荧 来源:百合文库
“B-but mama?”
“Please?” The soft smile and nod told the young teen all she needed to know.
“...Yes Mama.”
“ ... ... 是,妈妈。”
With her daughter out of hearing range, she put both hands on her son’s shoulders. “Ajax. I need you to nod for more. Are you and Lumine safe?” Forced, strained with great effort, but the nod was given. “Are either of you physically hurt?” This time a shake of the head and with calmer nerves, she asked the one that was pressing harder on her mind. “... Did you two have an argument?” She watched him tense up, but no answer came. “Ajax, sweetheart, let me help you. Did you have an argument?”

Just a bet 第25章(上) (达荧英语同人文汉化)

由于女儿不在听力范围内,她把双手放在儿子的肩膀上。“Ajax。我需要你再点点头。你和Lumine都安全吗?”虽然是被迫的,勉强的,但他还是用尽全力点了点头。“你们有谁身体受伤了吗?”这一次他摇了摇头,神经平静了一些,她追问着那个在她脑海里压得更紧的问题。“ ... ... 你们吵架了?”她看着他紧张起来,但是没有回答。“Ajax,亲爱的,让我帮你。你们吵架了吗?”
When her son lifted his head she felt her heart clench in her chest. A flashback of him on his knees before his parents, begging for them to put him in rehab, screaming through tears for help... That sheer look of helplessness was on his face again once more. “M-Mama, I...” His words were strained, so hard to understand through the clenching throat, the quivering of his lip.