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Just a bet 第25章(上) (达荧英语同人文汉化)(28)

2024-06-14达荧 来源:百合文库
“... C-can I not just… can’t I just talk to her now, please… I could just… I could explain, I could---”
“... 我-我能不能... 我能不能现在就和她谈谈,求你了... 我可以... 我可以解释,我可以...”
“No.” With that, the door closed, and the older twin turned his back to walk away.

Just a bet 第25章(上) (达荧英语同人文汉化)

He stayed there for… he didn’t actually know how long. The engine remained off, Aether already gone, his hands almost white on the steering wheel, the only place he could go was home. But home wasn’t home without her in it… and now… now he’d be lucky if she ever stepped within two feet of him, nevermind enter their… no… his home again.

Just a bet 第25章(上) (达荧英语同人文汉化)
