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Just a bet 第25章(上) (达荧英语同人文汉化)(25)

2024-06-14达荧 来源:百合文库

“…” He’d had no idea she’d still been under fire from people, especially for what she wore, so many things he’d just been blind to all along “Aether, I---"
“ ...”他不知道她还在忍受人们的攻击,尤其是因为她的穿着,很多事情他一直都如此盲目而没有发现。“空,我...”
“Now look at her, she’s a laughing stock school wide, just a bet! The poor gutter trash that we are revealed once again! All because you allowed it to happen, that is what this is about.” He could yell, he could scream, but it was the quiet, fierce tone in Aether’s voice that hit him hardest, Aether wasn’t a kid, he wasn’t some immature teenager, neither was Lumine, they’d grown up too fast and were now simply adults stuck in the bodies of teenagers.

Just a bet 第25章(上) (达荧英语同人文汉化)

“现在看看她,她成了全校的笑柄,只是个赌注!再次成为我们本来就是的可怜的下水道垃圾!这一切都是因为你让它发生,这就是现在发生的一切。”他本可以大喊大叫,可以尖叫,但是空的声音中那种安静、凶猛的语调给他的打击最大,空不是一个孩子,他不是一个不成熟的青少年, Lumine也不是,他们成长得太快了,现在只是成年人住在青少年的身体里。
Ajax breathed slowly the words ringing in his head as he tried to comprehend them. It was... mind numbingly confusing and… painful. Everything was true, unfair, not right, not what he intended, but it’d happened. “I didn’t say any of that… I just…” he’d just… confirmed that the bet was real… right?