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Just a bet 第25章(下) (达荧英语同人文汉化)(39)

2024-06-14达荧 来源:百合文库
Aether left the house feeling heavier than he’d ever felt before, it felt like the weight of everything was just… looming over his shoulders. Xiao had offered to go in and help him, had offered to act as a barrier between him and Ajax but… Aether didn’t want that. He didn’t want that animosity. He knew Ajax hadn’t actually meant to hurt his sister, deep down he knew that for damn certain, whatever this bet was, it didn’t mean a damn thing in the grand scheme of things.

Just a bet 第25章(下) (达荧英语同人文汉化)

空离开房子的时候,感觉比以往任何时候都要沉重,感觉好像一切的重量都在他的肩膀上若隐若现。魈主动提出要进去帮助他,主动提出要成为他和Ajax之间的壁垒,但是... ... 空不想这样。他不想要那样的敌意。他知道Ajax实际上并不想伤害他的妹妹,他内心深处很清楚,无论这个赌注是什么,从他们的长久的格局看来都没有任何意义。
Ajax loved his sister, with everything he had, Ajax loved her, and if she didn’t love him too, this would not have hurt half as much as it had. So he didn’t want that amount of animosity to be unnecessarily brought into it. That didn’t mean he himself wasn’t feeling the brunt of the negativity though.

Just a bet 第25章(下) (达荧英语同人文汉化)
