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生命的奇迹(序)The Difference of a Life by:Kraven Ergeist 译:beiming |EV(2)

2024-06-14 来源:百合文库
虽然如此,这并不意味着这是一篇轻松愉快的作品。恰恰相反,随着故事的发展,小说的情节将会显得相当压抑、甚至让人相当痛苦(有些情节实在是不想再看第二遍......)。等读者读到了那里,自然也就会明白beiming的意思了。这篇小说的另一个‘缺点’是,登场的人物实在是有些多。本文中,Kraven Ergeist 先生史无前例地塑造了多达九位适格者,他们将会在Book 2中陆续登场。也许读者已经能够想见,要同时描写好这么多角色是不可能的。因此,剧情到了中后期,读起来总是觉得有些赶,多少有种剧情发展太快、人物塑造不够充分的感觉......
最后beiming要道歉的一点是,本译文做了相当多的改动,从book 2开始的一些内容近乎完全重写。某些战争的情节,以及人物关系的发展过程,都与原文有相当的出入。务请小心。

生命的奇迹(序)The Difference of a Life by:Kraven Ergeist 译:beiming |EV

声明:beiming只是本文的译者,不享有对本文的任何权利。本文的所有权属于Kraven Ergeist先生,而文中人物的所有权属于GAINAX。本文允许转载,但请确保内容完整。
作者语:Thank you all very much for reading The Difference of a Life. I have been a fan of Evangelion since I first watched it in the year 2001, and it has impacted my life in many ways since then. I was a student in high school when I began writing this fic in 2004, and I had just graduated from college when I finally finished it in 2011, so this fic represents a significant part of my young life. I have continued writing a great deal of fan fiction since then, and I would like to think that my writing has improved in this time. For this reason, I feel that The Difference of a Life no longer represents the true quality of my work anymore. Still, I look back on works like this with feelings of nostalgia, and even though it represents little more than a learning experience for me now, I take great pride in knowing that Evangelion fans on the other side of the world might still enjoy reading it to this day. I can be reached at KravenErgeist (@) gmail (.) com, and even though I am not a Chinese speaker, I will do my best to answer any questions or comments you may have via email. And I would also like to give an extra special thank you to beiming for translating! Converting 143,000 English words into Chinese characters is a monumental task, and I very much appreciate anyone who is willing to devote their time to such an effort out of love for this fandom. Thank you all so much!