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状语从句不完整 两个搭配【to say the least】和【in the words of sb】

2024-06-14 来源:百合文库

状语从句不完整 两个搭配【to say the least】和【in the words of sb】

1,These ideas were revolutionary to say the least.
to say the least,最一步来讲/最起码来说。这个to say the least还放在了句尾。造句,He is a scientist to say the least.“他起码来说都是一个科学家”。
2,Altogether, the abstract was, in the words of Caltech astrophysicist Kip S. Thorne, "one of the most prescient documents in the history of physics and astronomy."
Altogether, the abstract was{, in the words of Caltech astrophysicist Kip S. Thorne, }"one of the most prescient documents in the history of physics and astronomy."

状语从句不完整 两个搭配【to say the least】和【in the words of sb】
