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[To 灰烬战线二周年 同人史诗 《The Anonumoi》]《动议》之《In her name, I wonder》(4)

F.B. Things that they have long been doing ever since their humanoid silouette came out from the wombs of those filthy monsters of breeders, ever since their paws touched and plagued the very earth we so dear and tread. Alas, do not forget that which lies beneath those skins. Be on vigilence and not disgiused by their looks or the way they speak. These, I believe, are gods’ doing, perhaps, to restrain huamnity, to keep us away from our overhasty ascendency, to cultivate humanity in a pool of humanoid filth! They, again, flocked and marched on me. They dare approach me? With most preposterous and imposterous of words supporting their grounds, I led out the most chaotic and foulest of this world, even that could count as an epic for all humanity to behold.

[To 灰烬战线二周年 同人史诗 《The Anonumoi》]《动议》之《In her name, I wonder》

M.C. Still, in its essence, your work, ’twas an attack, was it not? After all, one must expect counters after one has struck.
F.B. That indeed, Marce, indeed. However, it was not us who cast the blows initially, never, but clearly the mastermind of all impudent worms around us, I shall get to that part of the world that centralizes the essences of imposity, sin, imcompetence, preposterity and so many more subjects that are completely against certain virtues which are required from a leader, a man in public. Nevertheless, we ought to admit, they do know how to show their faces, how to appear before the unintelligent most decent as they think. Never have they hardly dreamt of even casting one single glance at what is truly decent, righteous or virtuous, but, you see, my good friend, they have to be amiable, at very least, that to trigger the primitive emotion of empathy, and these simple, primitive, unintelligent philistine can thus gather under their standard, so as for them to do what their masters bid. That, Marce, you must have noticed, is like the deed of a politician, what typical trick to manipulate the public! However, they differ from politicians, good or even evil alike. The same flock of filth from the same pit, they have consensus already, about this. I thereby, at all times, can do nothing more. I, alas, used to move the public myself. That portion of men, able, eager, and even some of them, honourable. Unfortunatly, on this matter, this very path to triumph is never built by rocks of virtue as I thought it would be, or those of how good a motion can be, its ease is but dependent upon the size of the cohort of whom you march with! And how in all heavens’ name am I to defend my grounds against a pile of unintelligent impossible goaded subhumans which are hundreds of times more superior in number to my party of staunchest companions? And now, do you realise, they are, finally, goaded, irritated. They brought out their worst and gathered to attack. That is why I was bested, that is the very reason why I myself can hardly achieve as a politician! Must we remember, that it is their masters who proposed this challenge, a well prepared, well organised challenge against the righteous, for this, their minions be the protection, heeding the call of the ultimate barbarism! With this, I mean that the forum itself is guarded by their master filth. Unthinkable! Therefore, I was utterly crushed on that campaign, for the barbarous are many, the righteous are few. Yet, I shall stand my grounds ever still against this plague and holdfast to my colour, hoist it high before my enemy, and henceforth, I shan’t waver until the end of that part of the world comes into being, even if it means that I shall stand alone and my enemy grows over time. By your wit and wisdom, hear me, my goddess! With such resentment, for justice, and my honour, I shall, and I will! Here do I stand! As Athena herself be my witeness!